Temporomandibular Joint Disorders

Jaw joint, defined as temporomandibular joint, is the leading most commonly used joints. It plays an active role in speaking, chewing, eating, laughing, yawning and all the movements of the mouth. Feeling pain and having difficulty during these movements require evaluation of the temporomandibular joint and muscle-joint structures.

Chiropractic and Osteopathic Therapy in Temporomandibular Joint Disorders

How do temporomandibular joint problems occur?
Asymmetric (unilateral) chewing
Teeth grinding during sleep.It is felt in the form of sore and locked jaw when wake up in the morning.
Missing teeth
Degenerative joint problems
Autoimmune diseases
Rheumatic diseases

What are the affected structures in the temporomandibular joint?
When the temporomandibular joint is evaluated, the joint structure, joint capsule, health of joint disc and position of the disc are examined. The way the mouth opens and closes is examined. If the jaw deviates to one side during opening and closing the mouth and clicking sound is present, treatment is required. It is also important whether clicking sound occurs during closing or opening the jaw. It gives information about the type of the influence.

The temporomandibular joint muscles are evaluated. In particular, when the tone of the masseter muscle (temporomandibular joint muscle) increases (spasm), a compressive force is applied to the jaw. This muscle and other muscles are required to be treated.

Chiropractic and Osteopathic Therapy in Temporomandibular Joint Disorders

The temporomandibular joint health and neck health are very parallel to each other. When the neck curve, called lordosis, is affected (smooth angle that needs to be in the neck vertebrae), especially in cases of cervical (neck) straightening, it is possible to solve the jaw problems by initially treating the neck. In the case of any limitation in neck or head movements, the spine should be treated in the first place. Since the load on the muscles will be closer to normal, it will be easier to treat the contracted muscles.

Most of the temporomandibular joint structures receive fiber from the nerve, called N. Trigeminus. The structures related to this nerve are treated with craniosacral techniques.
Degenerations and osteoarthritis of the temporomandibular joint capsule are treated with osteopathic gliding and regeneration techniques.
Chiropractic and Osteopathic Therapy in Temporomandibular Joint Disorders

How is chiropractic and osteopathic therapy planned in temporomandibular joint disorders?
First of all, the patient’s mouth opening is examined. If considered that it does not require surgery, the treatment is initiated.

Movement limitations of the spine, especially the neck and back, are treated.
With the mobilization and manipulation techniques, the blockages are dissolved.
Exercises to improve the proprioception of the joint are recommended.
The force imbalance between the temporomandibular joint muscles is treated.
Craniosacral therapy

If necessary, use of mouth guard compatible with the upper jaw of the individual is recommended.

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